CLASS OF 2024-2025
Class Teacher: Mrs A Black
Class Assistants: Louisa McGoogan & Lauren Anderson
Mrs A Black Louisa Lauren
Welcome to Primary 1/2! Our class this year has 11 girls and 8 boys. We are looking forward to having lots of fun and learning lots of new things. 🙂
In Numeracy, we will be learning about:
In Literacy, we will be developing our skills in:
This year, our World Around Us topics include:
Our first half term in Primary 1 has been so busy!
In Literacy, Primary 1 have been learning all about phonological awareness, listening to sounds in our environment and making sounds using our own bodies as well as learning about rhythm and rhyme. We have been learning to write our own names and developing our fine motor skills through lots of different activities.
We have been:
Primary 2 have been;
In Numeracy, Primary 1 have been practising our counting, learning about 0ne-to-one correspondence and we have started leatning about the numbers 0-5. We love to practise our numbers and counting using a variety of engaging activities.
We have been:
We listened to a story about Zero the Hero, watched Count with Rodd and made Two Little Dickie birds. We have been learning all about 2D shapes and one of our favourite songs is on BBC Bitesize We also learned how to sort according to colour, shape and size.
Primary 2 have been learning all about:
In World Around Us our first topic was A Time to Rhyme.
We have: