In this school we aim to give the pupils an education best suited to their age and abilities. We will strive to provide a happy, secure and Christian ethos in which our pupils can feel safe and valued and therefore learn more effectively. We promote the example of Christ and this should be reflected in all that we say and do. We expect the best from everyone in our school community and as such, have high expectations for all. Teachers and other adults in contact with our children must endeavour to set the highest standards and remember they are role models for our young people.
However, whilst the Christian ethos will always be to the fore of our vision, we also recognise and acknowledge that we live in an increasingly pluralistic and secular society, so we embrace diversity. We aim to support the conditions necessary to allow children of different creed, colour and race to feel safe and valued so they may learn and realise their potential.
We abhor bullying, racism, sectarianism or any other form of prejudice which would make anyone in our school community feel excluded. We seek to promote inclusion and equality of educational opportunity for all. We welcome children with any form of disability into our school community. Measures will be taken to ensure they are not discriminated against in any way and access to our school resources and facilities will be open to all.