Ballymoney, Ballymoney, BT53 8BB
028 207 41585


CLASS OF 2024-2025


Class Teachers: Mrs Small (Mondays and Fridays) Mrs Neilly (Tuesday-Thursday).

Class Assistant: Mrs M Henry


                   Mrs Small                                             Mrs Neilly                                    Mrs M Henry




In P 2/3 we are taught by Mrs Neilly and Mrs Small. Our Classroom Assistant is Maude. We have a busy year ahead and lots to learn!

Our first term in Primary 2/3 has been so much fun already!

This year, in World Around Us we are excited to begin learning about a range of topics. 

Term 1: The Farm and Transport

Term 2: Safe and Sound & Castles

Term 3: Rainforest



In Numeracy, we have been learning all about subtraction and addition and how to count forwards and backwards. We have been listening to songs, rhymes and playing games. For subtraction and addition, we have been using a variety of manipulatives to support our learning. 

We have been:

  • Playing maths games.
  • Using dough to create sums.
  • Counting different materials.
  • Using ipads and the whiteboard to write our numbers. 
  • Learning all about calculations through iPad games.
  • Counting using different songs and actions. 
  • Using the numicon to help us show addition calculations. 
  • Completing 'missing box' questions.
  • Using natural materials to solve addition and subtraction calculations.

In our Numeracy topic work, we have also been learning about data. We love to collect data using tally charts and then create block graphs based on our findings. P3 have been then answering questions about the data they have collected. We love to do these activities in lots of fun ways during task time to develop our learning.

We have been:

  • Going on a transport hunt outside.
  • Sorting data into different graphs.
  • Making fire stations with different materials.
  • Singing fun songs for days of the week and telling the time.
  • Role-playing a police station to use different finger prints.




We have been recapping all our sounds from last half term, including the qu, th, ch and sh phonemes. We have then been learning new digraphs including the, th, ng, ai and ee phonemes. We have then been applying our knowledge to segmenting and blending words with these phonemes. We have also been using our mnemonics to help us form our graphemes correctly. 


We have based our writing this half term around our topic of safe and sound. We have learnt all about people who help us and how to keep safe. This has included learning about fire fighters and police officers. We have also explored how to keep safe in the dark and how to keep save in the event of a fire. We have created posters, leaflets, tree maps and bubble maps. We have then used these resources to write some fantastic sentences.

Shared Reading

In P2/3 we love reading. We have been enjoying listening to lots of stories related to our topic 'Safe and Sound' and have completed lots of tasks around them. 

We have: 

  • Written sentences about fires and how to keep safe in the dark. 
  • Designed our own fire engine and what we needed to build them.
  • Used a 'Thinking Map' to think about the different jobs of a police officer.


In Language and Grammar, we have been revising our learning from P1/2. We have been busy doing lots of work on capital letters, rhyming words, pronouns, speech bubbles and alphabetical order. 


Play-Based Learning

We love our daily time of Play-Based Learning both inside and outside the classroom envirnoment. We have really enjoyed exploring our topics through PBL. 


Take a look at the pictures below to see what we have been doing in Primary 2/3 so far! Look at how much fun we are having learning together!